Sometimes, life can feel a bit like a roller coaster. There are mountaintop moments and there are times when you’re walking through the deepest, darkest valleys. When you’re in a valley, it can be difficult to find the strength to keep going. You may even struggle with the idea of being “enough.” The great news is that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. He is our Savior and our constant source of strength. Join us for our Colorado Springs Sunday TV program and learn how the Bible says that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. At Christian Worship Hour, we understand that the need for Christian community and discipleship is great. For that reason, we want everyone in Colorado Springs to watch our televised church services. Whether you’re looking for dynamic preaching, anointed worship, passionate prayer, or all of the above, we’re an amazing resource to keep you going strong on your faith journey. Are you unable to tune in to one of our Sunday morning service times? Not to worry, we have made our sermons and devotionals available online at the click of a button at No matter where you are, you can enjoy an online televised church service in Colorado Springs and have your cup filled. Are you looking for sermons or other worship materials? We’ve got those too. Check out our faith resources and browse our teachings. No matter where you are in your walk with Jesus, we, at Christian Worship Hour, want to come alongside you and help you stand firm. Our Colorado Springs Sunday TV programs are Bible-based and are available to anyone who wants them. Check out Christian Worship Hour today and be blessed as you listen to our life-changing messages. We are not the answer to all of life’s problems, but we’re blessed to be a blessing as you cling to Jesus and grow as a Christian. Folks can tune into our Colorado Springs Christian worship service Sunday mornings on KWHS at 10 am MST or KXTU at 10 am MST. Tune in to Christian Worship Hour today!

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