Can a Christian Who Commits Suicide Go to Heaven? Yes, Indeed!
While it is true that a Christian who commits suicide will go to heaven it should NOT give us the impression that we can deliberately commit suicide. Pastor Salem wrote this booklet to bring comfort to those who have lost loved ones in suicide but NEVER to encourage a person to do so.
It is our hope and prayer that, in this study, you will see the full sweep of the glorious redemption that is in Christ.
When Jesus victoriously cried, “It is finished,” He meant several things were finished (prophecy, suffering, shame, disgrace, desertion of the Father, etc.). He also meant that redemption was finished, completed, and that it covered all our sins from conception to death.
Our prayer is that this will give you hope, joy, comfort, and the assurance that you will see your loved one again. Let me give you eight good reasons from the Word of God.
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